Fees & Coverage
Individual sessions cost $150 per 50 minutes, with GST included.
Payment options include cash payments, credit cards, e-transfers, and cheques made payable to Ursula Kerr Counselling.
Consulting fees - $80 per 50 minute session, with GST included.
If you have a claim with ICBC, you may be eligible to receive counselling services. I am an approved provider of counselling services for ICBC. An official claim number and a confirmation from your adjustor indicating the number of approved sessions must be given to me prior to your first session.
Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP)
If you have been a victim or witness of a crime of BC, you may be eligible to receive counselling sessions at no cost to you. I am an approved provider of counselling services for the Crime Victim Assistance Program. An official claim number and statement that indicates the number of approved sessions must be given to me prior to your first session.
Extended Healthcare PLans
Many extended health benefit plans will reimburse you for the services of a Registered Social Worker (RSW). I am registered with the BC College of Social Workers. Check your plan’s details to see if you’re covered for services provided by a registered social worker.
If you plan covers you for counselling services, you will pay the cost of the session in full and then submit your receipt to your extended health care provider for reimbursement.
I’m able to direct bill with a select few providers. Contact me to find out more.
Who do I work with?
I work with individuals 12 years and older. For younger clients, I offer the option of 25-minute sessions, instead of the usual 50-minute sessions. If you think that would be a good fit for you or your child, please contact me directly to book.